Register CFI

Regigster CFI

Register for a CFI number for your securities. CFI number codes are six digits in length and are utilized to classify and identify the type and characteristics of financials instruments normally used for clearing and settlement. CFI registration numbers are used worldwide and are in the family of securities identifiers such as ISIN codes, CUSIP numbers, SEDOL codes and other local identifiers. Choose an option below for the CFI application.

Option 1: Apply for an CFI Number by Email

  1. Please email us indicating your needs. If you need more than one CFI number please indicate this.
  2. In your email please attach any documentation such as your company’s offering memorandum, information memorandum, prospectus, preliminary private placement memorandum, etc. Once the forms and documentation are viewed we will notify you of time frame and fees for services. Please read the Terms of Use on this website. By emailing us you are agreeing to our Terms of Use.

Email us at [email protected]

Option 2: Complete an CFI Application Request Form

Only fill out an application below if you have NOT applied via Option #1 above. If you sent us an email there is no need to fill out any application form.

Please fill out the application with the requested information and attach any documentation such as your company's offering memorandum, information memorandum, prospectus, preliminary private placement memorandum, etc. Once the forms and documentation are viewed we will notify you of time frame and fees.